Monday, January 17, 2005


Below is part of a response I made in a little debate regarding religion and morality. While there is much greater context not exhibited, I think there is still some worth to the excerpt. Enjoy.

Ideally, we use compassion and rationality to condition/teach children to behave in certain ways. Soon, they don't have to think about it, it is natural and useful. They do good because "they" want to. The problem is many people receive 'improper' conditioning, and what they feel as 'right' is actually doing more harm than good. This is why one cannot definitively say "do what feels right," but must specify the intentions/behaviours that would make a 'good morality.'

It is true that we have a need to belong and feel loved/desired, I think that explains much of religion (fashion, advertising… etc).

I have to say I cannot agree with "a belief in god is a good thing," but do agree that organized religion is not helping things out. A belief in God MAY allow some to have greater morality, but this is not necessarily true, and I think there should just be more critical thinking involved. I have yet to hear a convincing argument of why I should believe in God, if you have one, please share. To be clear, it isn't that I think there is no God, it is just that there is no evidence for one.

Maybe I'm just being picky, but instead of believing in the "good of mankind" I prefer realizing that humanity is at a place in history in which it has the potential to see the inherent rationality of a system in which understanding, reciprocity and compassion will allow for the greatest amount of happiness for all those involved


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